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Why Should You Start E-Commerce? 4 Reasons From Semalt

Whichever the kind of business you are trying to start, e-commerce is a field that has numerous opportunities. E-commerce is a simple field that even beginners can operate. Some simple tools and resources enable e-commerce process to be this simple. Most of these digital marketing tools are not free, but there is free onset in the market too. The most important aspect when dealing with e-commerce is keeping work ethics and working without fatigue.

E-commerce has many processes involved. Most of which involve making a strong online presence for your brand, especially SEO. There are many reasons why one would begin an e-commerce business.

Oliver King, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, has gained experience in the e-commerce business and is ready to share the reasons that could lead you to start the one.

1. E-commerce is growing rapidly.

When choosing the marketing strategy for any business, analyzing the market trends is beneficial. In the USA, e commerce is expected to increase by up to 18% by 2018. Worldwide, e-commerce is projected to be highest with over $1.6 trillion USD. E-Marketer has projected a growth of up to 2.5 trillion dollars. E-commerce is, therefore, a great place to get infinite market potentials. Other studies have shown that close to 80% of the world's population have made or will make a sale online. Entrepreneurs are getting into e-commerce to get these market potentials.

2. You can earn while you sleep.

In e-commerce, setting up an online store has a similar implication with opening a real physical shop. When doing business, multiple websites can mean various stores, which will get shoppers from all over the globe. The good thing in e-commerce is you that don’t have to work. The business can run on its own, entirely offline. E-commerce experts can reach out millions of customers worldwide with only a single SEO blog post or social media post. Individuals can make passive income through e-commerce by taking advantage of the available technology.

3. It's easy to get up and to run.

E-commerce has numerous tools that can automate most processes. For instance, making websites, apps, SEO automation, and keyword finding can be done by almost anyone with drag and drop procedures. Resources like bootstraps are available online in large numbers. The hardest part of setting up e-commerce business is choosing a product and niche. When these two are available, the entire process is straightforward especially on topics you are passionate. Moreover, doing something you like over and over enhances your skills.

4. Making more sales to many customers is possible.

E-commerce has the potential to reach millions of clients globally. There are many tools out there that enable one increase conversions, making more customers from visitors. For instance, powerful tools like CartHook. Persons have done content marketing and SEO which has made many readers follow many blogs, products, and social media content. E-commerce can, therefore, be a field with infinite potential when it comes to the product sales value.


A successful e-commerce business can be of great benefit to a company that is starting. For instance, e-commerce can increase sales value through conversions. In other cases, companies with a successful e-commerce platform can be a sale to willing persons. Through digital marketing platform, one can achieve great success especially as depicted with SEO.